This Sunday, October 16, marks the beginning of our fall Stewardship Campaign. Our theme is Growing together, and you can see the logo here:

The inspiration for this year’s theme is a line in our Prayer for St. Thomas Church, Almighty God, by your Spirit the whole body of your Church is governed and sanctified. Hear our prayer for St. Thomas: build in us a renewed vision of your Church; shape our life according to your will; empower us with the gifts to make us one, that together we may grow as a church in the spiritual strength of community, and reach out to include all people in Christ’s love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Growing together is one of the goals of our congregation. I hope that we’ll grow in spiritual depth, in commitment to Jesus Christ, in service to our community, and in our relationships with one another. 


Our pledge campaign offers each of us two ways to grow together. First, as we make our financial commitments to St. Thomas, we are invited to grow in spiritual depth. It is from a place of faith and our relationship to Jesus Christ that we make our gifts to St. Thomas.


And, from the gifts that we receive, St. Thomas is able to fund the mission and ministry that we do in this place – from which we grow together. 


I hope that in the coming weeks, as you receive your pledge mailing, and hear from me and from others at St. Thomas about why we pledge and why we love this community, that you will prayerfully consider your own pledge and give generously.



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