Why do we request pledges?
Your pledges make it possible for us to budget for next year. We know that many of our congregation give to our church, so if you are already planning on giving we are simply asking that you share your plans in advance.
What is a pledge?
A pledge is an estimate of your total giving for the coming calendar year. It is not binding. Being intentional about your giving is an important part of faith.
How important is my pledge?
Pledges make up over 80 percent of our budget. Our annual budget is nearly $500,000 – the majority of which comes from our pledged income.
When are pledges due?
We always hope to have all pledges returned by the weekend when we celebrate our Fall Pledge Campaign at our Ingathering event (in 2024, that will be November 17).
What do I do with my pledge card?
Please put it in an envelope and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church. Please be sure to mark the envelope “2025 Pledge.” Or take a photo and email that to Rishabh in the office (parishadmin@stthomasmcleanva.org).
Can I pledge online?
Yes and No! Ordinarily we can securely accept your pledges online. You would log into the church directory (click PLEDGE ONLINE) and select the giving tab in your profile. There is a glitch with the our database administrator that we hope to resolve soon. You can however, download the Church Office app to your smartphone, log in and make a pledge. Instructions here.
Are there instructions for logging into the church directory?
Yes. Click here
Or download the app to your smartphone. Click here.
What do I do if I don’t receive my pledge card?
Please click this link and you can print your own pledge card.
How much should I pledge?
Everyone‘s situation is different. Thoughtfully and prayerfully consider your circumstances. This chart (click here) shows proportional giving based on your income. All pledges are equal and important.
Am I required to pledge?
There is no requirement that you pledge. However, pledging support to the congregation is one way of offering support for the mission and ministry that St. Thomas engages in. It’s helpful when everyone submits a pledge card, for planning purposes.
If I am not pledging, why do I need to return a pledge card?
We need to know your intent. We know that everyone is busy, and many people mean to pledge but forget to return their card. As a courtesy, we will call anyone who has not returned their pledge card by the end of the campaign.
What happens if I make a pledge, and then can’t fulfill it?
We fully understand the circumstances of life interfere with our best intentions. If you realize that you cannot fulfill your pledge, please let the Treasurer or the Rector know.
Can I pay my pledge online?
Yes! Go to the GIVE ONLINE page to pay your pledge (or any number of other designated donations). You can also set up your payment to recur on a regular basis.