SHARE Most Needed Food & Personal Care Items

for March 2025


Canned fruit

Canned tuna and chicken

Canned tomatoes (sauce, diced)

Canned vegetables (corn, carrots, mixed veggies only) *

Canned or dried beans (chickpea only) *

Peanut butter (16 oz.)

Pasta (elbow, penne, spaghetti, etc.)

Rice (1 lb. bag)

Oatmeal (box)

Granola bars

Vegetable Oil (24 oz)


Diapers (sizes 5 & 6)

Pull-ups (4T – 5T)

Baby wipes

Toilet paper


Bar soap

Toothbrushes (individually wrapped) / Toothpaste


New socks and new underwear (all sizes needed)


* Currently, we do not need any green beans or black beans *


  • Please remember NO GLASS, NO OVER-SIZED, NO OPENED, and NO EXPIRED items
  • Low or no sodium items preferred
  • Share can accept refrigerated and frozen food such as chicken, fresh produce, yogurt, cheeses, and eggs but only by prior arrangement (contact:

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