How much should I pledge?

Everyone‘s situation is different. Thoughtfully and prayerfully consider your circumstances. All pledges are equal and important.


This chart suggests wheat you might pledge, based on your income and the percentage that you wish to pledges.


Income 1% 3% 5% 7% 9% 10%


$3,000 $9,000 $15,000 $21,000 $27,000 $30,000
$200,000 $2,000 $6,000 $10,000 $14,000 $18,000 $20,000


$1,500 $4,500 $7,500 $10,500 $13,500 $15,000
$100,000 $1,000 $3,000 $5,000 $7,000 $9,000 $10,000
$75,000 $750 $2,250 $3,750 $5,250 $6,750 $7,500
$50,000 $500 $1,500 $2,500 $3,500 $4,500 $5,000
$25,000 $250 $750 $1,250 $1,750 $2,250 $2,500

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