One of my favorite scripture passages is Genesis 28:16 “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.” It is uttered by Jacob after he wakes up from his famous dream about a ladder that goes up from Earth to Heaven with angels ascending and descending. The beauty of this marvelous revelation moves him to exclaim that the Lord is in this place. In contrast to Jacob who had just had a grandiose experience, that utterance resonates with me because it applies so well to everyday life. It is specifically when I do not have a marvelous revelation, when I’m working on some ordinary task or having some ordinary conversation and I don’t perceive God’s presence that I most need the reminder “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.”


In our Christian faith, we focus a lot on sacred times and places. We carve out time to have specific moments of experience with God, through prayer and worship, either individually or in community. And that’s a good thing. We ought to set aside time to worship and pray and have those moments where it feels like the veil between Heaven and Earth is thin. However, in this busy time at the end of the year, with the Holidays approaching and other responsibilities piling up, when we might not have as much time to set aside, it is equally important to know that God is with us at all times and in all places. Instead of beating ourselves up for not dedicating enough time for the sacred, let’s remind ourselves that the distinction between sacred and secular is for the most part man-made. Anything can be sacred if we invite God into it, or to put it more accurately as the passage reminds us, if we recognize that God is already there.


When you are sitting through a full day of meetings or running endless errands or frantically trying to get the Christmas shopping done, recognize the presence of God in those activities. Say to yourself, “Surely the Lord is in this place, even if I am not aware of it.” Picture how what you are doing fits into the work God has called you to and in some way blesses the lives of those around you. The more that we can make time for God AND also recognize that God is with us in all the other times as well, the healthier our spiritual lives will be.


Have a Blessed Advent and a Merry Christmas!




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